Pathway 3G – X-Out-Loud: Unashamed. Come and meet some who have left LGBT lifestyles [P3G-22-23]

About Course

X-Out-Loud forerunners come together to share their ex-LGBT testimonies and talk about the discerning the heart behind pastoring those who struggle with SSA or gender confusion. The session offer insight into how to support this part of our communities with respect and compassion. Listen to their stories and consider how they articulate their position in an increasingly intolerant way.

Proposed Learning Objectives

  • Discern the heart behind pastoring those who struggle with SSA or gender, and the importance of the use of correct language.
  • Consider the experience of Christian men and women who left LGBT, understanding the revelation of their identity in Jesus Christ and the heart of the Father.
  • Learn about recent and upcoming X-Out-Loud projects.
  • Engage with X-Out-Loud forerunners who will share their experience.

Course Content


  • Video Lesson
