Session 5 – The Reintegrative Protocol: Theory and Case Examples [S5-22-23]

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Dr. Joseph Nicolosi Jr., clinical psychologist, details the theory and practice of the Reintegrative Protocol, including real case examples. In addition, he will reveal new cutting-edge developments that may shape the future of this field: Reintegrative Therapy’s blockchain-based platform that enables empirically-enhanced psychotherapy. This data-driven approach benefits both clients and therapists. Recent research findings on Reintegrative Therapy will be summarized, as well.

Proposed Learning Objectives

  • Delineate the differences between so-called "conversion therapy" and Reintegrative Therapy, as well as the possible advantages therapists would have if they practice it.
  • Summarize the recent research findings on Reintegrative Therapy.
  • Delineate the basic steps of the Reintegrative Protocol.
  • Explain why the Reintegrative Protocol would trigger spontaneous changes
  • in sexual behavior for one person and binge eating behavior for another person, all using the same treatment approach of traumatic memory resolution.
  • Provide therapists with, or direct them to, resources of how to watch the actual process after the presentation is over.

Course Content


  • Video Lesson
