Session 4 – The War on Children: Exposing the International Assault on Health, Gender and Sexuality [S4-22-23]

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Sharon Slater, President of Family Watch International, a non-profit organization in consultative status with the United Nations, will expose how the UN human rights system has been captured by donor countries to advance harmful sexual and gender ideologies under the deceptive banner of human rights. Attacks on child sexuality and therapy for unwanted sexual attractions or gender confusion will be presented.

Proposed Learning Objectives

  • Recognise and evaluate how the anti-therapy agenda is being promoted by UN entities.
  • Demonstrate through examples, how the number one tool being used in the US and globally to indoctrinate children in the anti-therapy/SOGI agenda (i.e. “comprehensive sexuality education”- a.k.a. CSE) and how CSE is being disseminated globally to children.
  • Interpret the mandate of the UN “independent” SOGI expert and how it can impact the work of therapists and medical professionals.
  • Identify which countries and entities are behind the movement to destroy the right to the SOGI therapy of one’s choice and the dangers of a pending 20-year EU treaty with African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries.
  • Assess what they can do to discredit the ultra vires work of the UN “independent” SOGI expert.

Course Content


  • Video Lesson
