Session 19 – Harms from Medical Treatment of Adolescent Gender Dysphoria [S19-20-21]

About Course

In this lesson, Dr Andre Van Mol speaks about contradictions between minority stress theory and ‘happily religious’ LGBTQ-identifying individuals in churches in comparison with atheist LGBTQ individuals. He goes on to discuss statistics in different types of school settings. He also discusses the power that words have and the fundamental differences between biological males and females in medicine and healthcare. He goes on to discuss differences in sex development (DSDs), and if there is a link with transgenderism there. He discusses the ‘gender’ issue, desistance, children, puberty blockers and their other uses in medicine, sterility, and sex after procedures.

Proposed Learning Objectives

  • 1. Determine if both religious and conservative scholastic environments are toxic for young LGBTQ identified individuals in terms of minority stress theory, using the statistics to support your claim
  • 2. Explain whether or not somebody should be forced to use another’s preferred pronouns, given cultural force
  • 3. Determine whether trans-women can be treated (examined, dosed, etc) the same as biological women in medical practise
  • 4. Describe the relationship between differences between differences in sex development (DSDs) and transgender identity
  • 5. Determine whether a transgender identities are always caused by gender dysphoria
  • 6. Define desistance, and provide statistics related to the desistance of transgender identities in children by the time they reach adulthood
  • 7. Determine whether children and adolescents should be able to access gender-altering care or puberty blockers (including potential health effects).
  • 8. Determine whether transitioning really does fix gender related issues
  • 9. Describe how normal sexual functioning is decreased/hindered after a sex-reassignment surgery

Course Content


  • Video Lesson