Session 13 – Gender : Toward a More Effective Clinical Protocol [S13-20-21]

About Course

In this lesson, Dr Melvin Wong reviews the 2001 Spitzer study – which concludes that change is possible. He also talks about gender in terms of ministry, including a description of the three ministry levels and specific treatment steps for addictions – which can be used both for sexual addictions or other ones.

Proposed Learning Objectives

  • 1. Describe the dangers political censorship presents both professionals and strugglers with today.
  • 2. State the 3 ministry levels and describe in terms of accountability, ideational mindset and addiction how each can help.
  • 3. Describe the specific treatment steps
  • 4. Describe accountability
  • 5. Explain how to master your ideational mindset
  • 6. Describe the cycle of addiction
  • 7. Describe HALT-BD in terms of self-satisfaction
  • 8. Explain the lament of the dependent (Rom 7:19-25)

Course Content


  • Video Lesson