Session 12 – Does SOCE (Sexual Orientation Change Efforts) Increase Suicide? The Debate [S12-23-24]

About Course

In this session I present the objections to my 2022 study “SOCE does not increase suicide: correcting a false narrative” (Archives of Sexual Behavior), and my responses, as the scholarly debate has unfolded over the past year. – Dr. Paul Sullins

Proposed Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will be able to distinguish the suicide characteristics of the sexual minority population.
  • Attendees will be able to identify the four main types of morbidity studied in suicide research.
  • Attendees will be able to assess the quality of evidence for the claim that conversion therapy increases sexual minority suicide.
  • Attendees will be able to identify the main reason that the claim that conversion therapy increases sexual minority suicide is false.

Course Content


  • Video Lesson
