Session 10 – Transformation Stories Emerging from Pastoral Ministry Applied to Emotional Pains and False Self-Perceptions [S10-22-23]

About Course

Ken will provide a closeup look at what goes on inside the minds of those battling gender dysphoria and homosexual feelings. He will share the personal stories of three individuals (including himself) to illustrate the childhood issues and emotional woundings that altered the people’s sexual identities and desires. Ken will also highlight the pastoral ministry tools that were effective for them in experiencing greater peace, healing, and even transformation of identity and desires.

Proposed Learning Objectives

  • Develop or improve capacity by which to graciously invite confession of sins which leads to healing.
  • Expose what is happening at a deeper level when working same-sex attracted persons (like unmet emotional needs).
  • Explain strategies by which meet emotional needs at the heart of the struggle.
  • Facilitate the fulfilling embrace of God-given identity.

Course Content


  • Video Lesson
