About Course
Alexis wants Christians to come forward more strongly to convey a better story about sex than the one being told around us in society. In this talk, he wants to convey the great story of body, identity and sexuality. This is deeply rooted in our biology as male and female.
Although this session does not have an examination, candidates are encouraged to watch it for the following reasons given by Alexis:
I want people to learn that the body tells a deeper story about God, sexuality, and our identity than what society often conveys. This isn’t something you can simply learn in three points and then try to live by; it’s about life and its profound meaning.
The teaching I provide is meant as a doorway, an entry point, and one must delve into the depths to find answers. I’ve reviewed the presentation I used at the conference, and much of what I want to convey is tied to the verse I started with in Hebrews 11:3. If we, created in God’s image, are anchored in the invisible, our primary task is to make God visible in our lives, in our relationships, and our sexuality
Course Content
Video Lesson