Pathway 1A – Shut Up or Speak Out? Censorship and Truth in the Therapy Wars [P1A-24-25]

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The natural law perspective is increasingly censored and suppressed by science and popular media.  Increasingly, scientific discourse is being displaced by propaganda under color of science.

The mechanisms used include 

  • peer review and publication bias; 
  • the suppression of valid results, 
  • takedown commentaries with no chance of response, or 
  • simply ignoring studies that don’t fit the narrative (politically correct studies are widely cited, politically incorrect ones rarely or not at all); disparagement of results published in the “wrong” journals.  
  • Increasingly, studies that challenge the woke narrative are being retracted, even studies by liberal-left scholars.  

Examples are shared from research on conversion therapy, same-sex attraction, same-sex parenting, gender reassignment, and abortion.

But censorship betrays a weak position, and only works when people are afraid. The danger of not speaking the truth is greater than the danger of speaking the truth. When sexual orientation counselors and scholars boldly speak up for the possibility of change, they and others will recognize the truth more clearly, and they will prevail. 

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