IFTCC | Learning

Equipping, Empowering,
Promoting, Advocating:

Therapeutic Choice and Pastoral Care

…within the Judeo-Christian Context

About The IFTCC Conference

Since 2015 the IFTCC Conference has brought together the best minds in the field of change-exploring therapy work. Experts in the fields of Clinical Practise, Pastoral Care and what we call Additional Helping Roles (for example, lawyers and teachers), deliver presentations. Those who attend the conferences have free access to the full teaching curriculum of the event. Those who didn’t attend the conference can access the same material by selecting a preferred package from below. The IFTCC Education and Training Council is in the process of defining what awards are possible on the successful completion of a range of courses.

Curriculum Themes


IFTCC Learning serves the IFTCC as its public education body. It is led by the IFTCC Education and Training Advisory Council, chaired by Professor Carolyn Pela and managed by Dr Mike Davidson. IFTCC Learning aims to provide:

1. Further training for qualified counsellors and psychotherapists seeking to upskill their existing knowledge in the field;

2. Specific knowledge, current best-practise, research findings and understanding of the field of counselling and psychotherapy for those seeking to leave LGBT identities and practices;

3. Pastoral carers and persons of other helping disciplines with a structured approach to care, including the knowledge of when to refer persons to mental health professional services.

Test your knowledge?

Attending teaching sessions is no guarantee that learning has taken place! Would you like to evidence your learning in this important field and develop a portfolio of evidence towards a soon to be announced membership initiative of the IFTCC?

First of all, do no harm.
– Hyppocrates, The Physician’s Oath, Circa, 400 B.C.